Regulations of using the materials of the UITM Academic Library in Rzeszów
I. Preliminary provisions
§ 1.
The regulations of using the materials of the Academic Library of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, hereinafter called “the UITM Library”, states the way and conditions of using the materials belonging to the UITM Library.
§ 2.
Materials from the UITM Library are available:
on the spot, in the Read & Relax Room which serves as the reading room of the Library, by way of borrowing books meant for use on the spot (in the reading room) for overnight or for the weekend, by way of borrowing them individually from the Lending Library, by way of inter-library lending.
§ 3.
Using the materials from the UITM Library is free of charge.
§ 4.
1. In connection with the functioning of the Library, the University has the right to process the following personal data of people using the Library:
full name, address of residence, including the name of the street, house number, postal code, city/town/village, commune, district, voivodship, state, date and place of birth, parents’ names, e-mail address, series and number of personal identity document, with students (including post-graduate students), the faculty at which a given person studies. 2. Without providing the above-mentioned data it is not possible to use the Library.
Using the UITM Lending Library
§ 5.
Entitled to use the Lending Library are all UITM students, UITM employees, students of doctoral studies, students of post-graduate studies conducted at UITM, and students of the Academic High School run by the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów.
§ 6.
1. All UITM students, post-graduate students, doctoral students and Academic High School students have a reader account.
2. A reader account for UITM employees and people from outside of the university is opened on the basis of:
an identity card, and a declaration containing personal data of the reader and his/her commitment to abide by the Regulations of the UITM Library. 3. The reader is obliged to report to the UITM Library every change of his/her address or place of studies. The reader bears all consequences resulting from neglecting that duty. 4. Library materials can only be borrowed on showing an identity card. In justified cases it is allowed to authorise another person to collect the library materials.
§ 7.
A reader who is a research-didactic employee at UITM in Rzeszów may borrow up to twenty library materials for the period of three months, with three possible prolongations for the next three months, if the item is not booked by another reader and the permitted time-limit for returning the item has not been exceeded. Other people entitled to use the lending library may borrow up to ten library materials for the period of one month, with three possible prolongations for the next month, if the item is not booked by another reader and the permitted time-limit for returning the item has not been exceeded, subject to items 3 and 4. A student who completes the semester (i.e. receives positive grades from exams and credits) in the first take may borrow up to twenty library materials for the period of one month, with three possible prolongations for the next month, if the item is not booked by another reader and the permitted time-limit for returning the item has not been exceeded. Students referred to in the Regulations for the functioning of the Student Care System may borrow 20 books. Doctoral students may borrow 20 books.
§ 8.
The reader is obliged to handle the borrowed works carefully. When transporting the library materials, the reader should secure them well against any damage. The reader and the library worker should pay attention to the condition of the work before it is lent. A book which is severely damaged should not be subject to lending. Minor damages should be entered in the database.
§ 9.
Failure to comply with the time-limit for returning the borrowed materials results in: individual admonition, generated to the library account of the reader, a fine of 2 PLN for every week of delay for every retained book, suspension in the right to use the Lending Library until the obligations towards the Library are settled. The library is not obliged to inform the reader about the expiry date for the return of the borrowed materials. Notifications and reminders generated automatically by the library system to the reader’s library account and sent by e-mail are only auxiliary and informative in nature, and their absence does not constitute a basis for reducing the amount of the fee for keeping the materials.
§ 10.
The reader has the right to apply once during the academic year to the UITM Director for Finance and Development to cancel a part of the accumulated fines.
§ 11.
In the case of losing or destroying the borrowed library materials, the reader is obliged to:
buy another copy of the material: of the same author, title and the same or newer edition for the Library, or pay the cost of repair by a bookbinder, make or pay for making a photocopy together with the cost of binding a work which is currently unavailable in sale, or bring another work/other works available in sale and indicated by the UITM Library, or pay the relevant damages for the lost or destroyed work to the amount of twice its real value.
§ 12.
Using e-books
E-books can be borrowed by UITM Library users who have an active library account, are allowed to borrow books and do not have outstanding liabilities towards the Library. The user has the right to borrow e-books only for their personal use, in accordance with the applicable law, in particular the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights. It is forbidden to: disseminate and place the borrowed e-books on the market, modify or copy e-book content, use the e-books for commercial purposes, in particular disseminate their content or place them on the Internet. MOBI and EPUB files are downloaded directly to the device used by the reader (smartphone, computer). PDF files are opened in a special viewer for reading files of this type. The borrowed e-books are marked in a way that makes it possible to identify the source of the files and the borrower (watermark, full name of the reader, their e-mail address and the IP address of the device from which the file is read). The items can be borrowed for up to 30 days. The reader may at any time make a self-return from an individual account in the Integro search engine. After 30 days at the latest, the user is obliged to delete the MOBI or EPUB file from the device on which the file was downloaded. Failure to comply with the above obligation will be treated as a breach of the provisions of the Act referred to in paragraph 2 of the Regulations. Getting acquainted with the content of this paragraph and accepting its provisions is a necessary condition for borrowing e-books. Acceptance takes place by checking the appropriate checkbox in the reader’s account in the Integro search engine. Using the Reading Room of the UITM Library
§ 13.
Readers using the Read & Relax Room must abide by the following rules:
any library materials can be collected 30 minutes before the Library is closed, at the latest, and they must be returned on the day indicated by the librarian, handle carefully the borrowed library materials and report to the librarian on duty any noticed faults or damage, have no loud conversations, do not take the borrowed library materials out of the Read & Relax Room, follow the instructions of the librarian on duty.
§ 14.
Short-term book borrowing (for the weekend and overnight)
1. Books intended for use on site in the reading room of the UITM Library are subject to short-term borrowing.
2. Books are borrowed on a working day of the Library, not earlier than half an hour before it closes.
4. The returned books must be returned on the next working day, by 9a.m. at the latest.
5. You cannot prolong the period of short-term borrowing.
6. If the borrowed items are returned late, the reader’s library account will be blocked.
7. A reader who does not comply with the rules of short-term borrowing will be denied the possibility of using that form of borrowing.
§ 15.
In the case of losing or destroying the borrowed library materials, the reader is obliged to:
buy another copy of the material: of the same author, title and the same or newer edition for the Library, or pay the cost of repair by a bookbinder, make or pay for making a photocopy together with the cost of binding a work which is currently unavailable in sale, or bring another work/other works available in sale and indicated by the UITM Library, or pay the relevant damages for the lost or destroyed work to the amount of twice its real value.
Inter-library lending
§ 16.
The aim of inter-library lending is to make materials not owned by the UITM Library or by other libraries in Rzeszów available to readers. The UITM Library makes its own materials available to libraries outside of Rzeszów for the period of 4 weeks. The period for inter-library lending is 4 weeks and can be prolonged by the library lending the materials on application submitted by the reader through the UITM Library before the time-limit for returning the materials is due. The library lending the materials can also define another time-limit for returning the materials.
§ 17.
A reader interested in getting materials from other libraries is obliged to submit the order at least two weeks in advance. The order should contain detailed data about the sought item, i.e. the name of the author, the title, place and year of publication. The reader bears the cost of carrying out inter-library lending.
§ 18.
Library materials borrowed by way of inter-library lending are available to the reader only on the spot in the Reading Room.
§ 19.
The librarian lending a work obtained by way of inter-library lending is responsible for the condition of the borrowed library materials and for returning them on time, and especially:
creates adequate conditions for the reader to use the borrowed library materials, instructs the reader on the way of handling the borrowed library materials and controls the way of using them.
§ 20.
If the original materials ordered cannot be brought to Rzeszów, the ordering reader bears the costs of making a photocopy as set by the library lending the materials.
§ 21.
In the case of failure to collect the ordered materials, the ordering reader bears the costs of shipping and of making a photocopy.
§ 22.
A photocopy of fragments of the ordered materials can be made only through the UITM Library, after submitting a detailed order. The ordering reader bears the costs of making a photocopy to the amount of 0.20 PLN per page.
§ 23.
If a work obtained by way of inter-library lending is damaged or destroyed while in the reader’s care, the reader bears all consequences connected with the necessary repairs, and must first and foremost pay damages to the amount set by the library lending the materials.
Final provisions
§ 24.
If the reader fails to observe the rules of conduct stated in these Regulations, especially:
behaves improperly in the Library, permanently damages, destroys or steals library materials, does not react properly to the Library’s call to return the borrowed library materials, it is a basis for applying sanctions against the person failing to observe the provisions of these Regulations.
§ 25.
The reader is obliged to know the contents of these Regulations and observe the provisions contained herein.
§ 26.
Settling detailed problems, not regulated by the provisions of these Regulations, lies within the competence of the Director of the UITM Library.
Director of the Academic Library
of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów
Małgorzata Wendland
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